The questions below provide an opportunity for teams to reflect on levels of readiness. You may want to complete this piece before completing the Readiness Assessment to understand various perspectives of different stakeholders. Click any section below to begin.
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PURPOSE AND VISION | Defining your purpose and vision clarifies the compelling reason for undertaking this initiative and provides a shared focus for the work that follows. Having a clear pupose and vision is necessary for alignment between all initiative components. |
Start with Your Why | |
What is our compelling reason to undertake this initiative? What are the drivers? What research and evidence can we use to identify our purpose and vision? What data can help us identify drivers? What perspectives need to be a part of defining our purpose and vision? What critical conversations can help identify drivers? Which stakeholders need to be included in this work? | |
What roles do personalized, competency-based learning and blended learning play in achieving our purpose and vision? What purpose does blended learning serve in relation to personalized, competency-based learning? | |
What are the benefits of taking action? What are the risks of not taking action? | |
What will be the ultimate impact? Who will be impacted, and how? What is the impact for the district? | |
How does the vision and mission of this initiative align with the broader work of our district? | |
Consensus | |
How will we develop a culture that empowers stakeholders to engage in personalized, competency-based learning? What underlying assumptions need to be addressed? How can we identify and address beliefs, perceptions, biases, and mindsets brought to this work that may not align with implementation? | |
How will we ensure stakeholders: • are aware of "the Why" -- of the drivers, opportunities, and goals for this initiative? • see value in the change? • are heard? • know what success looks like? • understand their roles are and how this will impact their work? • know that leadership is commited to the efforts? • view school and district leaders as a resource for removing/overcoming barriers? | |
What are key terms and definitions for the initiative? What common definitions do we need to develop? How do we define personalized, competency-based learning? How do we define blended learning? | |
Skills | |
What expertise and knowledge are beneficial for planning and implementation efforts? | |
Are there potential gaps in team expertise? If so, how will we fill those gaps? | |
Resources | |
What resources are needed to successfully achieve the purpose and vision? | |
Are there areas where we need resources? If so, how will we fill those gaps? | |
Action Plan | |
What is the mission of this initiative? | |
What are the goals and objectives of this initiative? What do we plan to achieve? | |
What steps do we need to take to ensure that the initiative will result in an implementation: • that successfully provides personalized, competency-based learning? • that effectively uses blended learning to deliver this learning? • that is consistent with the initiative's purpose and vision? | |
What are the criteria we will use to measure successful acheivement of goals and objectives? | |
How can we use previous/current programs/initiatives to inform our planning? Does this initiative align/connect with any current programs/initiatives? What are key takeaways from previous initiatives that will inform the planning process? | |
What relevant research and evidence will inform initiative planning and decision-making (e.g., research to guide data review, case studies, district evidence)? What evidence and/or research do we still need to inform planning? How will we gather this data? | |
LOGISTICS & ALIGNMENT | Ensuring the logistics align with the vision and purpose will support the success of the initiative. |
Budget | |
What priorities will guide our budgeting decisions? | |
How will specific budget needs be identified? | |
What outside funding, if any, will be necessary? | |
Students | |
How will enrollment and scheduling be managed in the SIS? | |
How will student readiness be assessed and what supports will be in place for identified challenges? | |
Teaching and Learning | |
What teacher selection process/indicators will be used? | |
What supports are needed for teachers in the first year? | |
What coaching and instructional support structures will be provided to encourage and empower teachers to leverage their strengths and grow professionally? What tool/rubric will be used for teachers and administrators to identify "look-fors" during learning walks? What feedback protocol will be use to support growth? What opportunities will be provided for peer observations? | |
Professional Learning | |
What professional learning is needed for school and district leaders? | |
What professional learning will take place for teachers who are new to personalized, competency-based and/or blended learning environments? For more experienced teachers? | |
Who is developing and facilitating professional learning? | |
How can teachers self-assess readiness for teaching in a competency-based, personalized, blended learning environment? How can this information be used to inform professional learning needs? | |
What training and support will be provided to parents/guardians, counselors, and others to best support learners? | |
Content, Tools, and Resources | |
How will instructional content/resources, including digital teaching and learning tools and resources be selected? | |
What instructional content/resources are currently available that would be beneficial to this learning environment? | |
Do we plan to develop content within our district? If so, what content, when, and who will be responsible? | |
How will we ensure educational materials are accessible to all learners? | |
How will open education resources (OER) utilized? | |
What learning management system will be used? | |
When synchronous instruction takes place, what video conferencing tool will be used? | |
What training and resources will be provided for teachers and parents to ensure student safety and security? | |
Logistics: Technology Support | |
How is technology support provided for families? | |
How is technology support provided for students? | |
How is technology support provided for teachers? | |
How do we ensure the environment and instructional materials are accessible to all students? | |
Communication and Engagement | |
What key messages need to be communicated and when? | |
What branding will the intiative have? | |
What orientation opportunities will be provided for students and families? | |
How is failure celebrated as an interative process of learning? How is reflective practice supported and encouraged? | |
How will communication strategies be leveraged to build partnerships? | |
What are the expectations for teacher communication with students and families (i.e. frequency, content)? | |
What communication methods and channels will be utilized? | |
What strategies will be used for marketing? | |
How will information FAQs, tutorials, and documents be organized for stakeholders to find and access easily (internally and externally)? | |
How do we seek and ensure that we collect feedback from all stakeholders? | |
What is the process for communicating data and survey results with stakeholders? | |
Policies | |
What district and/or state policies impact this initiative? | |
What district and state policies provide flexibility for innovative practices? | |
What district policies need revision or need to be developed? (e.g. acceptable use, academic integrity, attendance/seat time, grading, copyright/intellectual property) | |
What common knowledge and understanding will be critical to inform policy decisions? | |
LEARNING MODEL REDESIGN | Implementing personalized, competency-based learning in a blended environment gives students voice and choice in their education journey, while aligning to their individual needs. |
Design Considerations | |
What is the structure of the learning environment (time and place; remote/hybrid/blended)? | |
What grade level(s) will be served? | |
Who is the project manager for this intiative? (if applicable) | |
What courses will be offered and how is that determination made? | |
How will this learning model impact teacher and student roles? Considerations may include course pace, schedule for students and/or teachers, standards-based grading, etc. | |
Students | |
How will student support services be provided? | |
How will social and emotional learning be addressed? | |
How will all individual student needs be met (IEP requirements, 504 accommodations, etc.)? | |
Teaching and Learning | |
What knowledge, skills, and dispositions will support post-secondary success for all learners? | |
Will instructional delivery be synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination? | |
What instructional strategies will be implementated to meet the needs of diverse learners? | |
How will we define and measure student engagement? Self-direction? | |
How will teachers personalize learning in virtual instruction? | |
Devices and Access | |
What devices will students use and how will that determination be made? Will devices be provided by the district? Is there a sufficient budget for maintaining, repairing, refreshing, and replacing devices? | |
How will the devices be managed? How will we ensure sufficient infrastructure and filtering for devices on and off campus? What is our policy for sending devices home with students? | |
How will we collect information about student home connectivity and access to a device? | |
What strategies will be in place to support students who lack high-speed internet access? | |
Do we plan to use mobile devices? How will this decision impact tools and resources selected? | |
What assistive technology devices, software, and tools are needed and how will they be procured? | |
How will the Technology team be involved in planning and implementation? | |
Digital Tools and Resources | |
What policies, processes, and requirements impact hardware and software purchasing decisions and procurement? | |
What quality indicators inform the selection of effective tools and resources? | |
What digital tools and resources are currently available to teachers? Students? | |
How do we determine needs for digital tools and resources? | |
What considerations have been made for AI and keeping unintentional bias in check (equity)? | |
Personalized, Competency-Based Learning and Blended Learning | |
How are students empowered daily to make important decisions about their learning experiences, how they will create and apply knowledge, and how they will demonstrate their learning? (student voice and choice) | |
In what ways will meaningful and timely feedback be incorporated into learning experiences? | |
How is assessment a meaningful, positive, and empowering learning experience for students that yields timely, relevant, and actionable evidence? What methods are used to regularly monitor student progress toward mastery, through multiple means and tools, to inform instructional planning? How is feedback for students prioritized as a key piece in empowering learning? | |
How do students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs? What online and offline systems are being leveraged for tracking, planning, and delivering student supports that address gaps and needs? | |
How do students progress based on evidence of mastery, not seat time? | |
How do students learn actively using different pathways and varied pacing? | |
What strategies ensure equity for all students? How are they embedded in the culture, structure, and pedagogy of school and education systems? | |
How are rigorous, common expectations for learning (knowledge, skills, and dispositions) explicit, transparent, measurable, and transferable? | |
How do you create and disseminate clear expectations for effective remote planning and instruction that integrates research-informed practice? | |
How do instructional strategies integrate routines that maximize connection and personalization and support a variety of learning needs (e.g., supports for students who are emerging multilinguals, receiving special education services, advanced learners, etc.) and actively engage students in rigorous learning? | |
SUSTAINABILITY | In order to ensure competency-based, personalized learning not only continues, but continues to improve, teams will need to focus on program reviews aligned with a continuous improvement cycle. |
Continuous Improvement | |
What framework(s) will we use for reflection and evaluation? How will we measure, analyze, review, and improve implementation? | |
What stakeholders will be involved in the evaluation process and how will they be involved? | |
How often will we reflect on and evaluate aspects of this initiative? | |
How will we ensure the quality and availability of needed data for staff, students, and the community? | |
What student learning data is available to determine the level of impact of implementation? | |
How will we measure and align efforts to ensure equity? | |
What surveys are available to measure student and teacher levels of engagement as new instructional models are implemented? | |
What will inform our professional learning offerings? | |
How are we measuring the impact of professional learning on classroom practices? | |
In what ways will we engage with thought partners and organizations to continue learning and growing? | |
What process is in place to act on what we learn as part of our reflection and evaluation process? | |
Operational Considerations | |
What will be the initiative budget and related expenditures (e.g. funding for infrastructure, devices, content, professional development, human resources)? | |
What district policies need to be revised or need to be developed? (e.g. attendance/seat time, grading, etc.) | |
What common knowledge and understanding will be critical to inform policy decisions? | |
What is our compelling reason to undertake this initiative? What are the drivers?
What research and evidence can we use to identify our purpose and vision? What data can help us identify drivers?
What perspectives need to be a part of defining our purpose and vision? What critical conversations can help identify drivers?
Which stakeholders need to be included in this work?
What roles do personalized, competency-based learning and blended learning play in achieving our purpose and vision? What purpose does blended learning serve in relation to personalized, competency-based learning?
What are the benefits of taking action? What are the risks of not taking action?
What will be the ultimate impact?
Who will be impacted, and how?
What is the impact for the district?
How does the vision and mission of this initiative align with the broader work of our district?
How will we develop a culture that empowers stakeholders to engage in personalized, competency-based learning?
What underlying assumptions need to be addressed?
How can we identify and address beliefs, perceptions, biases, and mindsets brought to this work that may not align with implementation?
How will we ensure stakeholders:
• are aware of "the Why" -- of the drivers, opportunities, and goals for this initiative?
• see value in the change?
• are heard?
• know what success looks like?
• understand their roles are and how this will impact their work?
• know that leadership is commited to the efforts?
• view school and district leaders as a resource for removing/overcoming barriers?
What are key terms and definitions for the initiative? What common definitions do we need to develop?
How do we define personalized, competency-based learning?
How do we define blended learning?
What expertise and knowledge are beneficial for planning and implementation efforts?
Are there potential gaps in team expertise? If so, how will we fill those gaps?
What resources are needed to successfully achieve the purpose and vision?
Are there areas where we need resources? If so, how will we fill those gaps?
What is the mission of this initiative?
What are the goals and objectives of this initiative? What do we plan to achieve?
What steps do we need to take to ensure that the initiative will result in an implementation:
• that successfully provides personalized, competency-based learning?
• that effectively uses blended learning to deliver this learning?
• that is consistent with the initiative's purpose and vision?
What are the criteria we will use to measure successful acheivement of goals and objectives?
How can we use previous/current programs/initiatives to inform our planning?
Does this initiative align/connect with any current programs/initiatives?
What are key takeaways from previous initiatives that will inform the planning process?
What relevant research and evidence will inform initiative planning and decision-making (e.g., research to guide data review, case studies, district evidence)?
What evidence and/or research do we still need to inform planning? How will we gather this data?
What priorities will guide our budgeting decisions?
How will specific budget needs be identified?
What outside funding, if any, will be necessary?
How will enrollment and scheduling be managed in the SIS?
How will student readiness be assessed and what supports will be in place for identified challenges?
What teacher selection process/indicators will be used?
What supports are needed for teachers in the first year?
What coaching and instructional support structures will be provided to encourage and empower teachers to leverage their strengths and grow professionally?
What tool/rubric will be used for teachers and administrators to identify "look-fors" during learning walks?
What feedback protocol will be use to support growth?
What opportunities will be provided for peer observations?
What professional learning is needed for school and district leaders?
What professional learning will take place for teachers who are new to personalized, competency-based and/or blended learning environments? For more experienced teachers?
Who is developing and facilitating professional learning?
How can teachers self-assess readiness for teaching in a competency-based, personalized, blended learning environment? How can this information be used to inform professional learning needs?
What training and support will be provided to parents/guardians, counselors, and others to best support learners?
How will instructional content/resources, including digital teaching and learning tools and resources be selected?
What instructional content/resources are currently available that would be beneficial to this learning environment?
Do we plan to develop content within our district? If so, what content, when, and who will be responsible?
How will we ensure educational materials are accessible to all learners?
How will open education resources (OER) utilized?
What learning management system will be used?
When synchronous instruction takes place, what video conferencing tool will be used?
What training and resources will be provided for teachers and parents to ensure student safety and security?
How is technology support provided for families?
How is technology support provided for students?
How is technology support provided for teachers?
How do we ensure the environment and instructional materials are accessible to all students?
What key messages need to be communicated and when?
What branding will the intiative have?
What orientation opportunities will be provided for students and families?
How is failure celebrated as an interative process of learning? How is reflective practice supported and encouraged?
How will communication strategies be leveraged to build partnerships?
What are the expectations for teacher communication with students and families (i.e. frequency, content)?
What communication methods and channels will be utilized?
What strategies will be used for marketing?
How will information FAQs, tutorials, and documents be organized for stakeholders to find and access easily (internally and externally)?
How do we seek and ensure that we collect feedback from all stakeholders?
What is the process for communicating data and survey results with stakeholders?
What district and/or state policies impact this initiative?
What district and state policies provide flexibility for innovative practices?
What district policies need revision or need to be developed? (e.g. acceptable use, academic integrity, attendance/seat time, grading, copyright/intellectual property)
What common knowledge and understanding will be critical to inform policy decisions?
What is the structure of the learning environment (time and place; remote/hybrid/blended)?
What grade level(s) will be served?
Who is the project manager for this intiative? (if applicable)
What courses will be offered and how is that determination made?
How will this learning model impact teacher and student roles? Considerations may include course pace, schedule for students and/or teachers, standards-based grading, etc.
How will student support services be provided?
How will social and emotional learning be addressed?
How will all individual student needs be met (IEP requirements, 504 accommodations, etc.)?
What knowledge, skills, and dispositions will support post-secondary success for all learners?
Will instructional delivery be synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination?
What instructional strategies will be implementated to meet the needs of diverse learners?
How will we define and measure student engagement? Self-direction?
How will teachers personalize learning in virtual instruction?
What devices will students use and how will that determination be made? Will devices be provided by the district? Is there a sufficient budget for maintaining, repairing, refreshing, and replacing devices?
How will the devices be managed? How will we ensure sufficient infrastructure and filtering for devices on and off campus? What is our policy for sending devices home with students?
How will we collect information about student home connectivity and access to a device?
What strategies will be in place to support students who lack high-speed internet access?
Do we plan to use mobile devices? How will this decision impact tools and resources selected?
What assistive technology devices, software, and tools are needed and how will they be procured?
How will the Technology team be involved in planning and implementation?
What policies, processes, and requirements impact hardware and software purchasing decisions and procurement?
What quality indicators inform the selection of effective tools and resources?
What digital tools and resources are currently available to teachers? Students?
How do we determine needs for digital tools and resources?
What considerations have been made for AI and keeping unintentional bias in check (equity)?
How are students empowered daily to make important decisions about their learning experiences, how they will create and apply knowledge, and how they will demonstrate their learning? (student voice and choice)
In what ways will meaningful and timely feedback be incorporated into learning experiences?
How is assessment a meaningful, positive, and empowering learning experience for students that yields timely, relevant, and actionable evidence?
What methods are used to regularly monitor student progress toward mastery, through multiple means and tools, to inform instructional planning?
How is feedback for students prioritized as a key piece in empowering learning?
How do students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs?
What online and offline systems are being leveraged for tracking, planning, and delivering student supports that address gaps and needs?
How do students progress based on evidence of mastery, not seat time?
How do students learn actively using different pathways and varied pacing?
What strategies ensure equity for all students? How are they embedded in the culture, structure, and pedagogy of school and education systems?
How are rigorous, common expectations for learning (knowledge, skills, and dispositions) explicit, transparent, measurable, and transferable?
How do you create and disseminate clear expectations for effective remote planning and instruction that integrates research-informed practice?
How do instructional strategies integrate routines that maximize connection and personalization and support a variety of learning needs (e.g., supports for students who are emerging multilinguals, receiving special education services, advanced learners, etc.) and actively engage students in rigorous learning?
What framework(s) will we use for reflection and evaluation? How will we measure, analyze, review, and improve implementation?
What stakeholders will be involved in the evaluation process and how will they be involved?
How often will we reflect on and evaluate aspects of this initiative?
How will we ensure the quality and availability of needed data for staff, students, and the community?
What student learning data is available to determine the level of impact of implementation?
How will we measure and align efforts to ensure equity?
What surveys are available to measure student and teacher levels of engagement as new instructional models are implemented?
What will inform our professional learning offerings?
How are we measuring the impact of professional learning on classroom practices?
In what ways will we engage with thought partners and organizations to continue learning and growing?
What process is in place to act on what we learn as part of our reflection and evaluation process?
What will be the initiative budget and related expenditures (e.g. funding for infrastructure, devices, content, professional development, human resources)?
What district policies need to be revised or need to be developed? (e.g. attendance/seat time, grading, etc.)
What common knowledge and understanding will be critical to inform policy decisions?
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